Tuesday, December 18, 2007

an oldie, but a goodie

In the throes of Christmas prep, as I'm sure you all are as well, I'm still thinking about how I can participate in pro-life activity. For me, a lot of the volunteering is going to be on hold till after the season. . . my husband and I are travelling to see family, meaning the PRC that is normally right down the street will be 1300+ miles away.

But, for your reflection, here is a classic Practical Pro-Life tip sheet: Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life details Things You Can Do Today To End Abortion. I don't think they're all grand ideas, mind you (be they pro- or anti-, who's going to be anything other than upset and angry if you interrupt graduation with a memorial for the students who never made it?), but many are surprisingly simple and direct, especially for awareness-raising.

Practical Pro-Life Action: Do check out the list. Think about which suggestions you might be able to implement.

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